Addendum D

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As you build and lead your Team as an Executive Brand Director and a Presidential Director, you can qualify for a Business Builder Position (BBP) and a Presidential Director Business Builder Position (Presidential Director BBP). These additional positions are treated as a single account with your Brand Affiliate Account. Please contact your local market for details regarding recognition and trip requirements, which may differ from the requirements of this Plan.




The BBP is a position placed directly below you on your first Generation that is awarded to you after the first month you achieve the Title of Executive Brand Director.


B. Presidential Director BBP

The Presidential Director BBP is an additional position placed directly below your BBP on your second Generation that is awarded to you after the first month you achieve the Title of Presidential Director.


C. Automatically Created

The BBP and Presidential Director BBP are automatically created during the Bonus calculation process for the month you meet the eligibility requirements above. You retain any BBP and Presidential Director BBP awarded to you unless you lose your status as a Brand Representative and do not complete Restart.



A. BBP and Presidential Director BBP are Part of Your Brand Affiliate Account 

Your BBP and Presidential Director BBP are part of your Brand Affiliate Account and may not be sold or transferred separately.


B. G1 Brand Representatives

Your BBP and Presidential Director BBP will not count as G1 Brand Representatives of your Brand Affiliate Account.


C. Leadership Teams


  1. Although your BBP and Presidential Director BBP will not be considered Leadership Teams to your Brand Affiliate Account, any Leadership Teams under your BBP or Presidential Director BBP will count collectively as a Leadership Team to your Brand Affiliate Account for determining your Title.

    EXAMPLE: If your Brand Affiliate Account has 6 G1 Brand Representatives and 1 Leadership Team with 20,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume, and your BBP has 2 Leadership Teams with 10,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume and 30,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume, respectively, your Title will be Executive Brand Director.


  3. Unless you have lost your Brand Representative status and are a Brand Affiliate, for purposes of determining Leadership Teams for you and your upline Brand Representatives in a month, your BBP and Presidential Director BBP remain on your first and second Generations respectively.


D. Consumer Group Sales Volume

Your BBP and Presidential Director BBP each have their own Consumer Groups. Eligible Consumer Group Sales Volume from your Brand Affiliate Account, BBP and Presidential Director BBP will count collectively only for maintaining your Brand Representative status, determining your Building Blocks, Building Bonus Percentage and the method for calculating the Leading Bonus.


E. BBP and Presidential Director BBP Bonuses Based on Brand Affiliate Account Title and Brand Representative Status


  1. BBP: For a month that your Brand Affiliate Account meets all requirements for the Title of Executive Brand Director or Presidential Director, including maintaining or holding Brand Representative status, Bonuses on your BBP will be calculated as if it was an Executive Brand Director. For any month that your Brand Affiliate Account does not meet all requirements for the Title of Executive Brand Director or Presidential Director, including maintaining or holding Brand Representative status, your BBP will be combined with your Brand Affiliate Account and any sales network of your BBP will move up one Generation in your sales network and the sales networks of your upline Brand Representatives for that month.
  2. Presidential Director BBP: For a month that your Brand Affiliate Account meets all requirements for the Title of Presidential Director, including maintaining or holding Brand Representative status, Bonuses on your Presidential Director BBP will be calculated as if it was an Executive Brand Director. For any month that your Brand Affiliate Account does not meet all requirements for the Title of Presidential Director, including maintaining or holding Brand Representative status, your Presidential Director BBP will be combined with your Brand Affiliate Account and any sales network of your Presidential Director BBP will move up two Generations in your sales network and in the sales networks of your upline Brand Representatives for that month.


The following illustrates how the Leading Bonus is calculated on your Brand Affiliate Account, BBP and Presidential Director BBP. We assume that your Brand Affiliate Account, BBP and Presidential Director BBP collectively have six Building Blocks and are eligible to earn a 5% Leading Bonus.



As an Executive Brand Director, you are eligible to earn (a) a 5% Leading Bonus on six Generations of Brand Representatives under your Brand Affiliate Account, and (b) a 5% Leading Bonus on six Generations of Brand Representatives under your BBP. This means that, as shown below, you can earn a Leading Bonus of:


  1. 10% on some Commissionable Sales Value, with 5% on Generations 2 – 6 of the Brand Affiliate Account under your BBP, and another 5% on the same Commissionable Sales Value on Generations 1 – 5 of the BBP; and
  2. 5% on Generation 1 of the Brand Affiliate Account and Generation 6 of the BBP.



As a Presidential Director, you are eligible to earn (a) a 5% Leading Bonus on six Generations of Brand Representatives under your Brand Affiliate Account, and (b) a 5% Leading Bonus on six Generations of Brand Representatives under your BBP, and (c) a 5% Leading Bonus on six Generations of Brand Representatives under your Presidential Director BBP. This means that, as shown below, you can earn a Leading Bonus of:


  1. 15% on some Commissionable Sales Value, with 5% on Generations 3 – 6 of the Brand Affiliate Account under your BBP, another 5% on the same Commissionable Sales Value on Generations 2 – 5 of the BBP and another 5% on the same Commissionable Sales Value on Generations 1 – 4 of the Presidential Director BBP;
  2. 10% on some Commissionable Sales Value:
    1. With 5% on Generation 2 of the Brand Affiliate Account, and another 5% on the same Commissionable Sales Value on Generation 1 of the BBP; and
    2. With 5% on Generation 6 of the BBP, and another 5% on the same Commissionable Sales Value on Generation 5 of the Presidential Director BBP; and
  3. 5% on Generation 1 of the Brand Affiliate Account and Generation 6 of the Presidential Director BBP.


F. Movement Between Your Brand Affiliate Account, BBP and Presidential Director BBP


  1. Movement from the Brand Affiliate Account to the BBP or Presidential Director BBP: G1 Brand Representatives cannot be moved from your Brand Affiliate Account to a BBP or Presidential Director BBP except as provided in this Section 2 F.
  2. Proactive Movement by You: If your Brand Affiliate Account does not have 6 G1 Brand Representatives in a month, you can proactively choose to move the line of a G1 Brand Representative of your BBP or Presidential Director BBP up from the BBP or Presidential Director BBP to your Brand Affiliate Account prior to Bonus calculations for that month. Proactive moves must be requested in writing and will be permanent.
  3. Automatic Movement by the Company:
    1. Movement to the Brand Affiliate Account.In the absence of a proactive move by you, if your Brand Affiliate Account does not have the required 6 G1 Brand Representatives, then the Company automatically moves the line of the newest G1 Brand Representative of your BBP and Presidential Director BBP to your Brand Affiliate Account. If two or more G1 Brand Representatives of your BBP and Presidential Director BBP have the same Brand Representative Date, then the Company considers the Brand Representative Qualification Date, date of Letter of Intent and date of Brand Affiliate Agreement, in that order. If these dates are all the same then the Company, in its sole discretion, selects the line of a G1 Brand Representative account.
    2. Movement Back to the BBP or Presidential Director BBP. If a line of a G1 Brand Representative of your BBP or Presidential Director BBP was automatically moved from your BBP or Presidential Director BBP, then it can only be moved back to that BBP or Presidential Director BBP at your request following your replacement of the required G1 Brand Representatives of your Brand Affiliate Account. Your request must be made in writing within six months following the month of the automatic move.

: If a line of a G1 Brand Representative of your BBP or Presidential Director BBP was automatically moved to your Brand Affiliate Account at the beginning of February based on your January sales performance, then the six-month period runs from February through July. In August, if you have not (1) replaced the required G1 Brand Representatives of your Brand Affiliate Account, and (2) requested that the line be moved back to your BBP or Presidential Director BBP, then the line will permanently remain on the 1st Generation of your Brand Affiliate Account.



A line of a G1 Brand Representative of your Presidential Director BBP cannot be moved by you or the Company to your BBP. However, please contact your Account Manager for important differences on this issue if you qualify for a specific exception to Velocity Title Determination.




As described above, a BBP is placed directly below an eligible Executive Brand Director on their first Generation. Accordingly, as an upline Brand Representative, the Consumer Group and sales network of the BBP of an eligible Executive Brand Director will be one Generation lower in your sales network than the Consumer Group and sales network of such eligible Executive Brand Director. For example, a Brand Representative on the first Generation of the BBP would be on the third Generation of the immediate upline of the eligible Executive Brand Director, and the immediate upline would only be paid a Bonus on this Generation if eligible for a Bonus on its third Generation. For any month that such Brand Affiliate Account does not meet all requirements for the Title of Executive Brand Director or Presidential Director, including maintaining or holding Brand Representative status, the BBP will be combined with the Brand Affiliate Account and the Consumer Group and sales network of the BBP will move up one Generation in your sales network for that month.


B. Presidential Director BBP

As described above, a Presidential Director BBP is placed directly below an eligible Presidential Director on their second Generation. Accordingly, as an upline Brand Representative, the Consumer Group and sales network of the Presidential Director BBP of an eligible Presidential Director will be two Generations lower in your sales network than the Consumer Group and sales network of such eligible Presidential Director. For example, a Brand Representative on the first Generation of the Presidential Director BBP would be on the fourth Generation of the immediate upline of the eligible Executive Brand Director, and the immediate upline would only be paid a Bonus on this Generation if eligible for a Bonus on its fourth Generation. For any month that such Brand Affiliate Account does not meet all requirements for the Title of Presidential Director, but does meet all requirements for the Title of Executive Brand Director, including maintaining or holding Brand Representative status, the Presidential Director BBP will be combined with the BBP, and the Consumer Group and sales network of the Presidential Director BBP will move up one Generation in your sales network for that month.


For any month that such Brand Affiliate Account does not meet all requirements for the Title of Presidential Director or Executive Brand Director, including maintaining or holding Brand Representative status, then the Presidential Director BBP will be combined with the Brand Affiliate Account and the Consumer Group and sales network of the Presidential Director BBP will move up two Generations in your sales network for that month.


C. Leadership Teams.

Unless the Brand Affiliate Account has lost its Brand Representative status and is a Brand Affiliate, for purposes of determining Leadership Teams for you and your upline Brand Representatives in a month, the Brand Affiliate Account’s BBP and Presidential Director BBP remain on its first and second Generations respectively.