Business Cycles

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Business Cycles


Elements of Business Cycle

Success Trip—As you build leaders in your organization and advance in pin title you, along with your team, will have the opportunity to attend one of our Success Trips each business cycle. Please click here for more information.


Events—Key events throughout the year will help you as you train and motivate your team to align with the business cycle. These events include local corporate appearances, monthly fly-ins, leadership summit and convention.  


LTO—Each business cycle there will be a limited time offer in which we introduce an innovative product for a short amount of time. By preparing in advance for the this unique business opportunity, you will have the leverage to build a long-term organization. 


Benefits of the Business Cycle

Distributor Progression—For the distributor in your organization to truly be successful they must progress in the company. The business cycle, along with other incentives, provides you with a reward for helping your distributors reach the title of Executive. With each business cycle your focus and incentive to create new Executives is renewed and will help you realize your potential.


Creating Leaders—The Nu Skin business opportunity is about creating leaders in your organization. You can help each Executive in your organization to become a leader who helps others become an Executive. Since the business cycle provides them with the clear goal of the Success Trip, it will be much easier for you to guide your Executives and encourage them to increase their pin title and help others do the same.


Fostering Teamwork—One of the biggest advantages of the business cycle is having a clear and common goal. Momentum in your team can increase by helping everyone in your organization to understand and participate in the business cycle.


