Account Change Checklist

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Account Change Checklist

Address Change:

Check List of required documents and steps to update your Address:

1. Step 1 of the Amended Brand Affiliate Agreement form filled out and signed by the primary and all associates on the account.

2. “Address Change” written across the top of the Amended Brand Affiliate Agreement form.


Name or ID Change:

Check List of required documents and steps to change name or ownership of an account:

1. Amended Brand Affiliate Agreement form filled out completely and signed by the primary and all associates on the account.

2. Please write “name change” or “tax ID change” on the top margin. 

3. Proof that the name has been changed officially by the government.

e.g.  Copy of Social Security Card, Marriage license, Divorce decree, or death certificate


SSN to EIN and EIN to SSN:

Check List of required documents and steps to change SSN to EIN:

1. Amended Brand Affiliate Agreement form filled out completely and signed by the primary and all associates on the account.

2. Please write “ID change from SSN to EIN” on the top margin of form.

3. Business Entity form for all accounts changing to a business name and Federal Tax ID is required.  Signatures from the primary and all associates on the account are required.


Check List of required documents and steps to change EIN to SSN:

1. Amended Brand Affiliate Agreement form filled out completely and signed by the primary and all associates on the account.

2. Please write “ID change from EIN to SSN” on the top margin of form.

3. Business Entity form signed by the primary and ALL associates. (Only required if the Current Business has more than one owner.)


Direct Deposit:

Check List of required steps to authorize direct deposit:

1. Direct Deposit form filled out completely and signed by the primary and all associates on the account.

2. Please make sure to attach a voided check with printed personal information (No starter checks).

3. If an addressed check is not available, please provide a letter on bank letterhead confirming your account with them.