Addendum C

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Restart is a process that gives former Brand Representatives the opportunity to reclaim their sales network (as if they had not lost Brand Representative status). The following provides additional information regarding the use, benefits and terms of Restart.



If you lose your Brand Representative status and want to begin the Restart process, you must:


  1. Submit a New Letter of Intent: Which indicates your intention to qualify as a Brand Representative again, and
  2. Complete Qualification: This new Qualification must be completed within six consecutive months from the effective date of losing your status as a Brand Representative.


The example below illustrates how Restart works for a period of six consecutive months.


MONTH February March April May June July August September
TITLE EFFECTIVE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MONTH Brand Representative status Lost Brand Representative status is effective and revert back to a Brand Affiliate QBR QBR QBR QBR QBR Brand Representative
BUILDING BLOCKS AND FLEX BLOCKS Complete 1 Building Block and only 2 Flex Blocks available Complete 2 Building Blocks. Submits new Letter of Intent Continues Qualification (April—August) with at least 2 Building Blocks each month—for an additional 10 Building Blocks, 4 of which are Sharing Blocks, completing the last Block in Week 4 of August (March-August totals: 12 Building Blocks) This example assumes a Week 4 promotion effective September 1st.* 4 Building Blocks
  You lose your Brand Representative status in February, effective March 1st. Thus, your six-month opportunity to Restart begins on March 1st.
STATUS AT THE END OF THE MONTH Lose Brand Representative status QBR QBR QBR QBR QBR QBR Brand Representative
WHEN YOU COMPLETE RESTART   Assuming a Week 4 promotion in August, in the first week of September you (1) reclaim your sales network and previously unused Flex Blocks, and (2) receive three additional Flex Blocks.

*If you complete Qualification in a prior week (Week 1, 2 or 3 of August), then you would advance in August, not September. Likewise, the same promotion process applies if you complete Qualification prior to August.

If you do not finish Restart within this 6-month period, you will permanently lose the chance to reclaim any unused Flex Blocks and your sales network.




When you complete Restart within the required time frame, you:


  • Become a Brand Representative again;
  • Become eligible to keep the Sharing Bonus on your own purchases;
  • Become eligible for the Building Bonus;
  • Become eligible for the Leading Bonus (assuming you satisfy the other requirements for the Leading Bonus);
  • Reclaim your sales network (as if you had not lost your Brand Representative status) and the Company restores your Brand Representative Date; and
  • Receive 3 new Flex Blocks and reclaim any previously unused Flex Blocks.




A. Loss of Unallotted Flex Blocks 

If a Brand Representative drops to Brand Affiliate within the first three months of advancing to a Brand Representative, any unallotted Flex Blocks will not be automatically allotted once Restart is completed.


B. Brand Representative Date

When you lose your Brand Representative status, you also lose your Brand Representative Date. When you successfully complete Restart, your original Brand Representative Date is restored.


C. Previous Use of Re-Entry or Restart

If you used Executive Re-entry before the launch of Velocity in your market or Restart under Velocity, you will not be eligible to use Restart unless you submit a new Letter of Intent and acquire a new Brand Representative Date. This will result in you forfeiting any claim to Brand Representatives who were promoted prior to your Brand Representative Qualification Date.


D. Lose Status a Second Time

If you lose your status as a Brand Representative for a second time, you are not eligible to Restart and will permanently lose your sales network (it moves up a Generation in your upline Brand Representative’s sales network). However, even if Restart is no longer available, you can begin Qualification again at any time and build a new sales network.